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My purpose is to help people unlock their potential. 

My passion is developing myself and others. 

My vision is to be the go to coach/trainer within recruitment. 

My goal is to change the perception of recruitment and create the best generation of recruiters and people. 

My promise to you is that you'll never have a boring session and you will always come away at least, 1% better, every time. 

Coaching people to get 1% every day!

Since I was 16yo where I got to my lowest point, I became obsessed with personal development. When I was 19yo I was signing on at the job centre because I couldn't get a job and told my 'careers advisor' that I wanted to do a job that would be helping people, where I could build a career and earn a good living. Unlike the 80+ percent of people, I actually wanted to get into recruitment.


When I first got into recruitment, I was bullied for being different, I was unfairly dismissed from one position and when I was on only £600pm, I had to help my disabled mum with the mortgage payments. So it's fair to say that at a young age, I had to overcome a lot of hardship and adversity, all of which I am incredibly grateful for now. 



In the next 5yrs I won multiple awards, travelled Europe for work, was invited to be on numerous podcasts (even set up my own), joined the Mental Health In Recruitment organisation, became a mentor for the Recruitment Mentors organisation, led a sales team in which I took both my team members to presidents club and many more milestones.


In the 5yrs at an international tech recruitment consultancy, I sold the most retainers in the company's history, with the first one being worth £250k in one year. By the end of my time there, over 90% of the jobs I worked on were exclusive/retained on 20-30% fees.


When I was promoted to manager, I got my team to solely work on exclusive/retained search and took both of my consultants to presidents club in year 1 with one of the consultants who sold 5 retainers on 25-30% fees in Europe


During the pandemic, I had a chance to really reflect on what I want for my life and ultimately asked myself "What's my passion? What's my purpose? What can I do that won't feel like work, long term?" and every single time I thought of COACHING... Hence why I left sales to go into Learning & Development in 2022


In 2023, I got married in Cyprus (where my family is from) and in November, the company I worked for had to make redundancies. Most people would be pissed off or annoyed, but for me, this was the kick up the butt I needed to go solo, full-time


After achieving the targets put in place within my L&D role, I am 100% dedicated to living my passion for coaching & training people, predominantly within the field of recruitment. 

In 2016 I transitioned from contract healthcare recruitment to permanent medical technology sales recruitment. I almost quit 2months into the job because of my own limiting beliefs and the silly stories I used to tell myself about who I was, but I made a crucial choice. I done what I call 'burning the boat' which means you burn the metaphorical boat you took to get to the destination and have no choice but to be successful there.



  • NLP Practitioner - 2017

  • NLP Master Practitioner - 2021

  • MHFA - 2022 


Mentor at Recruitment Mentors (Now Hector) Since August 2022.

I was invited on the recruitment mentors podcast back in 2019 to talk through my recruitment journey, mental health and how to reach succsess. In 2022 i published a 10min training session on their website.


Champion at MHIR since November 2020.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health was at a low point for everyone. 
I joined forces with MHIR to help spread Mental Health Awareness specifically across the Recruitment Industry and helped reduce the stigma across hundreds of recruitment businesses. 

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Invited on 'The International Business Podcast' in 2020.

In the last 4 years of my recruitment role, I generated more candidates, more leads, and more business than any other consultant through posting video content on LinkedIn and running a podcast within my niche of Medical Devices. 


Phone: +44(0)7983 428 377


LinkedIn: Charles Kyriakou

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